I received a call from a guy that had lost his gold/platinum with diamonds wedding ring on a volleyball court during a company employee outing at the Johnson & Johnson corporate complex earlier in the week. He wasn’t sure exactly where the ring came off but was sure it was somewhere on the court. Arriving at the seen I figured this was a good opportunity to try out the new White’s MX7 metal detector and after a quick setup the search was underway. Deciding to half the court at a time a started to grid the area back & forth and completed the first half with no luck. Moving on and halfway through the second half I received a solid signal right where the sand meets the grass of the court. Observing the display screen of the MX7 it showed a gold vdi reading and as I looked down at the sand I could see the very edge of the ring hidden in the sand. I called over the very worried customer and showed him the ring laying in my sand scoop. “Absolutely Amazing” were his first words accompanied with a huge smile and look of relief on his face, he was extremely thankful for my help and professional service. Another happy customer! Recovery# 110
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The Ring Finders New Jersey
Our Team of Professional recovery specialists
Over 400 recoveries! 100's of thousands of dollars worth of Jewelry and other items returned!!
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