I received a call from Dash stating that he had lost his 14k hammered rose gold wedding ring in the ocean. He stated that while body surfing the day before around high tide the ring must have come off his finger. Since I had gotten the call earlier in the morning and checked the tide schedule and found that the next low tide was in 45 minutes and told him I would meet him on the the beach in an hour. Upon arrival I noticed that the tide was way out and that Dash and his friend who is actually a map maker by trade had graphed the whole area of interest out by scribing lines in the sand with a shovel.(Approximately a 60’x 100′) I began hunting the gridded out area from the water to the high tide line digging a few coins and trash items. Getting closer to the center of the hunt zone I received a nice solid mid tone on the headphones accompanied with a yellow light on the target id screen on my White’s Beach Hunter id 300 metal detector. I removed a scoop of sand from the surf and dumped it and the gold ring came rolling out of the pile of wet sand by the waters edge. Reaching down and picking up the ring I rinsed it off in the water and noticed the distinctive rose gold color and knew I had found his wedding ring. Dash was watching from the beach so I called out to him and held up the ring and told him I got it! He was so happy to have it back and called his wife who then joined us on the beach for the excitement. Another great recovery! Another happy couple!
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The Ring Finders New Jersey
Our Team of Professional recovery specialists
Over 400 recoveries! 100's of thousands of dollars worth of Jewelry and other items returned!!
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