I received a call from Rich asking if I could please help him? He explained that his daughter had lost a family heirloom ring on the beach where they were sunbathing. He stated that they knew the area where the ring had disappeared into the sand after falling off a beach towel and even tho they had searched they couldn’t find it. After an hour & half drive I was greeted by Rich at the beach entrance and approached the crowded area where they were sitting. I asked them to move all of their towels and chairs and chairs and began my search. With the curios crowd all watching within minutes i received the gold signal I was hoping for and scooped up the sand with my scoop. Reaching inside and holding the ring up the crowd went crazy and started clapping and cheering! It was an awesome feeling but not as awesome as handing the ring back to the daughter and very grateful family!
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The Ring Finders New Jersey
Our Team of Professional recovery specialists
Over 400 recoveries! 100's of thousands of dollars worth of Jewelry and other items returned!!
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