I received a call from a woman who is a student at Georgetown University who while on vacation at the beach in Avalon, NJ had lost her 14k class ring in the sand. She had taken the ring off to avoid losing it in the ocean while swimming and had left it on her towel and forgot it was there when she picked the towel up at the end of the day and shook off the sand. Realizing what she had done she and her friends started searching for the ring but were unsucessful. Well she decided to resort to the internet on how to find her lost ring on the beach in Avalon and one of my recoveries from earlier in the summer just blocks away from her had popped up and I received the call. I met her at beach which was just getting dark and she showed me the area she had marked with a sand castle were she believed the ring was lost. Within minutes of turning on the detector she was reunited with her lost ring! Amazed with the speed and relieved with recovery she gifted me with a nice reward,
Thank you Christine! Happy to have helped you! Good luck in school!