Recovery #420/421 Matt St.Germain 732-581-0285
Yesterday I was contacted by Carly in Normandy beach NJ. While she was at the beach with family and friends she removed 4 rings and placed them into the pocket of her beach chair before going into the water. Later that day she had forgotten to put them back on so one by one they fell out of the beach chair while walking back to the entrance. They managed to find two of them but could not find the other two, A gold Cartier love ring and a gold Tiffany ring. I got my gear together and headed out right away. Once I arrived I met her and everyone at the entrance. They showed me where they were sitting and within minutes of turning on my machine I found the Cartier ring first and the Tiffany ring right after. Everyone was so happy I was able to find them. Now Carly could finish enjoying the weekend! Another happy successful recovery!